Formation of the Government of Kampuchea-Krom in Exile

Independence Freedom Justice
Office of the Prime Minister
Date: October 2, 2006
Contact Sharon Young:
Formation of the Government of Kampuchea-Krom in Exile
WASHINGTON, D.C., October 1, 2006 – The continuing quest for independence, freedom and justice of the indigenous Khmer-Krom people has entered a new phase: The official formation of the Government of Kampuchea-Krom in Exile (GKE). Mr. Thach Chanh has been unanimously nominated Prime Minister of this government.
The French National Assembly and French government ceded her colonial authority in Cochin China (Kampuchea-Krom) to Vietnamese colonial authority on the 4th of June 1949 without any consent of the Khmer-Krom people – whose land was overrun by France’s colonial armies in 1859. This irresponsible and shameless act of France and Vietnam has entailed endless suffering for millions of the Khmer-Krom people both in the past and up to today. During 57 years under Vietnamese colonization, social inequality, injustice, racism and double-standard treatment are undeniably apparent. Khmer cultural assimilation and Khmer language alteration have been policies of all Vietnamese regimes.
Many Khmer-Krom fought and died in Vietnam War because of their inspiration for freedom and democracy. Those who fought alongside the Vietcong were slaughtered in numerous Vietnamese purges in 1976 and later years. Those who fought alongside the U.S. during Vietnam War were systematically eliminated by the Communist with only a few hundred remaining. Those Khmer-Krom serving the present Vietnamese government are just puppets who protect no Khmer-Krom’s interests but only the Vietnamese Communist Party’s. Hanoi has so far done nothing but creates injustice, hatred, and misery for the Khmer-Krom people, who, in general, become poorer and poorer while the Vietnamese colonizers are richer and richer every day. No Khmer-Krom students have ever been allowed to further their education abroad. No general, lawyer, and/or Khmer-Krom professional has ever existed in Kampuchea-Krom since French times to the present day!
The GKE sincerely appeals to all Khmer-Krom people and organizations to stay united, focused, and to work together against the Vietnamese colonizer. To all international peace-and-justice-loving people, organizations, and world governments, give Khmer-Krom a chance to gain human dignity, and a chance to join the world mainstream. The mission of the Government of Kampuchea-Krom in Exile is to bring an end to the Khmer-Krom’s suffering, and to help bring political stability and peace to the region. This can be done through de-colonization of Kampuchea-Krom from Vietnam and by granting Khmer-Krom the rights to self-determination. To the government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam: Khmer-Krom also believes that “Nothing is worth more than Independence and Freedom”, so their struggle will eventually prevail just like Vietnamese did in the last two wars.
By forming this government we mean no harm to anyone but reclaim the inherent rights that we have been deprived of, and execute the United Nations Decolonizatiom Program. The GKE will act on behalf of the Khmer-Krom people, and for the Khmer-Krom’s interests in all matters including engagements in any dialogue, negotiation, and/or agreement with other nations in the future.