Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Peace Accords ‘Assurance’ of a Continued Cambodia: Analyst

Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer | Washington, DC

US Cambodians mark 20th anniversary of Paris Agreement in Alexandria, Virginia, USA.

The Paris Peace Accords, signed 20 years ago and ending decades of war, are the key to the continued survival of Cambodia, a leading political analyst says.

Speaking near the anniversary of the accords, sign on Oct. 23, 1991, Lao Monghay told VOA Khmer the accords ended the conflict and put in place democracy and human rights.

The accords ultimately eliminated the threat of the Khmer Rouge and paved the way for massive amounts of aid money to come to Cambodia for rebuilding, he said.

“I understand the Paris Peace Accords as an assurance for the eternal life of Cambodia,” he said during an interview in Washington. “If we constantly respect them, especially Cambodians.”

Cambodia still struggles with border demarcation, flawed elections and political violence, evidenced by the 1997 coup, as well as a muffled opposition in the National Assembly, he said.

Signatory countries to the accords have an “obligation” to enforce them, but only if they are given ample evidence through which to do so, he said. “We have this, but we don’t like to file cases,” he said.

Every country has a different policy, he said. The US intervenes on matters of human rights, while France continues good relations and Japan produces dialogue and other advice, he said.

Such cases could produce rocky international relations between Cambodia and other countries, he said. “That’s why they face difficulties. It is a problem with the government. They want continuous good relationships.”

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